REEDY FORK BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC Version 1.0, 18-Apr2002, C158A.TXT, C158 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Find intersection of Highways 59 (Tokeena Road) & Wells. Drive 0.1 miles south on Highway 59 until you come to West Reedy Farms Road. Turn left and drive 0.6 miles to church. Church is at the intersection of West Reedy Farms & Strawberry Farms Roads. N 34 38.847 x W 82 57.343 HISTORY: -------- May 13, 1936, a preliminary meeting was held at Reedy Fork School of the people of Reedy Fork Community, with the prospect of organizing a Baptist Church. Some committees were appointed under the leadership of Reverend A.L. Sanders. He had recently conducted a revival in the Reedy Fork Schoolhouse, where many Christian Services had been held freely since the school was organized in the 1890s. Meeting June 1, 1936 reports from the committee were given and officers elected. Thus Reedy Fork Baptist Church was begun. Plans were made to start building a church. Pastor Sanders resigned as pastor to accept a church in Columbia. This was during a September 1936 meeting. Services were held in the school while the church was being built. In December 1936, Reverend Jim Tannery was elected pastor. The community men got busy and had a one-room frame building ready to begin holding services. Reverend Tannery preached the first sermon in this building. This was on February 7, 1937. Later, Sunday School rooms were added on each side of the building. Later, a two-story "T" was added on the back of the church. The side wings were removed. As the church group began to grow, they were not satisfied that we did not have a pastorium. In 1956, one was ready for the pastor; and Reverend Fred Ellenburg and family were the first to occupy the new pastorium. A better church building was needed, so plans were begun to build a new brick building including a sanctuary, pastor's study, nursery, and Sunday School rooms. The church borrowed $40,000 to build this two-story structure. In the meantime, a need was felt for a social hall. So, at the same time a church was being built, the fellowship building was going up just above the church. This building was finished in June 1966. The church held a special meeting April 9, 1972, to celebrate a mortgage burning in the new church. The new church building was finished and ready for use in about 1962. It has a central heating system and a little later, central air conditioning. The church was debt-free. The people of the community had a mind to work, and they did much of the work. Other improvements continued to be made: wall-to-wall carpeting, new pews, padded coverings for the pews, and new pulpit and choir furniture. The church got a piano, right off, but later bought a Hammond organ. A ramp was built so that the top floor could be entered without going up steps. A sound system was added a little later. The fellowship building was refinished inside and spruced up some. Central heat and air conditioning has been added. Parking areas were paved. The church has a membership of approximately 200 people. It is a lovely church, and the congregation is made up of caring and friendly people. It is a pleasant place to worship, and to win souls to the Lord. The church now has a new church van. There have been several good pastors who have led the congregation spiritually and did whatever they could to help in times of need. Reedy Fork is fortunate to have this good place of worship and witness. Submitted by: Bessie L., Addie G, Ruby G., Daisy Dean Cleveland, and Maybell Cleveland Sanders. DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Nov-2001 Linda Flynn at (visit above website) in Apr-2002 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Bessie L., Addie G, Ruby G., Daisy Dean Cleveland, and Maybell Cleveland Sanders. TRANSCRIPTION .. : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Nov-2001 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife BURKETT, Byron V., b. 30-sep-1921, w. ruth n. burkett BURKETT, Ruth N., b. 29-jun-1924, d. 5-jan-2000 CROOKS, Alma, b. 24-jun-1913, h. loyd b. crooks CROOKS, Annie N., b. 11-oct-1931, h. benny r. crooks CROOKS, Benny R., b. 24-aug-1931, d. 25-mar-1996, w. annie n. crooks CROOKS, Loyd B., b. 13-jul-1912, w. alma crooks DUNCAN, Maude Lee Nelms, b. 29-jun-1921, d. 10-feb-1991, h. paul david duncan DUNCAN, Paul David (Rev), b. 28-nov-1921, d. 16-mar-1992, w. maude lee nelms duncan HIGHTOWER, (no names) NELMS, Jep Smith, b. 25-may-1890, d. 22-aug-1968, w. lena rice nelms NELMS, Lena Rice, b. 2-mar-1894, d. 22-sep-1980, h. jep smith nelms NELMS, Lucile, b. 13-may-1911, d. 24-jun-1944, h. henry westbrooks PATTERSON, Christopher Michael, b. 24-aug-1976, d. 19-oct-1998 PRICE, Bertie F., b. 11-aug-1907, d. 13-aug-1997, h. clyde bubba price, p. william sanford $ ellie smith farmer PRICE, Clyde B., b. 6-apr-1904, d. 12-nov-1972, w. bertie f. price RICE, Harold J., b. 27-feb-1927, w. ruth hix rice RICE, Ruth Hix, b. 25-may-1929, h. harold j. rice TRASK, Donna L., b. 28-jul-1960 TRASK, Neil L., b. 30-jun-1952, d. 9-apr-1993, w. donna l. trask WESTBROOKS, Edward Henry, b. 22-sep-1929, d. 10-dec-1992, p. henry & fanie westbrooks WESTBROOKS, Harold E., b. 18-jun-1931, w. vergie h. westbrooks WESTBROOKS, Henry M., b. 11-apr-1909, d. 22-oct-1981 WESTBROOKS, Lucille Nelms, b. 13-may-1911, d. 24-jun-1944, h. henry westbrooks WESTBROOKS, Mary Y., b. 8-dec-1935, h. edward h. westbrooks WESTBROOKS, Mildred Jean, b. 20-mar-1941, d. 8-jan-1946 WESTBROOKS, Vergie H., b. 20-oct-1935 WHITE, L. Donald, b. 5-may-1939, d. 30-aug-1989 WHITE, Lottie M., b. 6-nov-1911, d. 13-sep-1987